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Why Is My IT Support Company So Slow?

Why is my IT support company so slow?

When IT support isn’t there when you need it, you can feel like you’re falling into a black hole with no way out. Not only does slow IT support response cause frustration for employees, it impacts your whole business. 你最终得到的是阻碍操作的技术,而不是使操作成为可能. What happens when IT support is always slow or doesn’t show up at all? 员工失去了对IT能提供帮助的信心,因此他们不再打电话给支持人员. People try to fix their own issues which diverts them from their work. They ask coworkers for IT help […]

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Bellwether Technology Corporation Receives SOC 2 Type 2 Accreditation

SOC 2 Type 2 Accreditation

(September 30, 2022 – New Orleans, 洛杉矶)- Bellwether Technology Corporation已成功完成其SOC 2 Type 2审核,并获得认证,证明他们用于处理敏感信息的流程符合高安全标准. 安全与组织控制(SOC)框架是美国注册会计师协会建立的信任原则的基础. 这个框架的使用已经超越了会计行业,扩展到任何想要向客户证明他们拥有正确工具的公司, 适当的流程和基础设施来保护他们收集和存储的数据. Level 2 signifies that […]

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10 Security Mistakes That Increase Cyber Risk

10 security mistakes that increase cyber risk

你可能在澳门赌场网址大全方面存在漏洞,使你成为网络罪犯的更大目标. In a world where a cyber attack happens every 39 seconds, 你的安全盲点被利用只是时间问题. 当这种情况发生时,你会发现自己不得不处理数据泄露的后果, 你会希望自己把网络的门窗锁得更紧、更早. 创建和实施有效的澳门赌场网址大全策略需要时间和金钱资源,但网络攻击将消耗[…]

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Replace Our Servers or Go to the Cloud?

Replace our servers or go the cloud?

如果你的公司服务器还在你的办公地点,你想知道你是否应该去云计算, the answer is probably – Yes. There are many reasons why this is a good idea, and for us here on the Gulf Coast, one of those reasons is hurricane season. 让我们确保当我们说“云”时,我们谈论的是同一件事,因为有不同类型的云计算. For the purposes of this article, 只要把云想象成服务器对文件存储和计算资源的利用就可以了。

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5 Signs It’s Time to Outsource Cybersecurity

5 signs it's time to outsource cybersecurity

澳门赌场网址大全不再被认为是一个小IT部门可以处理的简单的事情. In fact, security has become a critical business capability. Add to that the continuous evolution of cyber-criminal tools and tactics, 小型企业的安全需求与企业组织的安全需求并没有太大的不同. 这就是为什么越来越多的企业领导者转向外包澳门赌场网址大全服务,以确保他们能够管理业务风险,并在组织中建立弹性. 弹性是指抵御网络威胁的能力,以及在网络攻击发生时能够迅速恢复的能力. When it comes down […]

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What is a Managed IT Service Provider?

What is a managed IT service provider?

当你决定不再使用表现不佳的IT时,你正在寻找一种快速扭转局面的方法, Managed IT Services is the solution. 你的IT部门过去可能在有效管理IT和澳门赌场网址大全方面做得很好. However, 不可否认的是,技术正在以惊人的速度发展,继续做你一直在做的事情是无法跟上的. 您可能从未考虑过引入第三方IT支持,因为您认为自己负担不起, or you simply don’t feel like you know enough yet to make an informed […]

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Shaping His Own Destiny – Spotlight on Steve G.

Shaping his own destiny - spotlight on Steve G

Steve G. 是Bellwether Technology软件开发团队的Scrum Master吗. Scrum是一个框架,可以帮助开发团队一起工作,创建解决复杂问题的产品. Steve’s role is focused on moving the team forward. 他从涉众那里获取即将到来的需求和输入,并将其提炼成合理的工作块供开发团队处理. On a day-to-day basis, you’ll find Steve facilitating meetings, gathering information, communicating to stakeholders, and finding answers to questions. 他的活动类似于项目经理的活动——他当然是在管理项目——但使用的是Scrum, how the team […]

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How Do You Qualify for Cyber Insurance?

How do you qualify for cyber insurance

如果你想有机会获得网络保险的资格,并获得最好的费率, you have to show that your company is effectively managing cyber risks. Unfortunately, 即使你想更新现有的保单,获得网络保险也越来越难了. If you don’t believe it, just have a look at a current application. When they’re considering your risk profile, 保险公司想知道你有什么安全控制措施. The answers to the questions on the application get technical really fast. In fact, most insurance companies are asking you […]

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What’s It Like To Transition To Managed IT Services?

What's it like to transition to managed IT services

What’s the transition to a managed IT services model going to be like? 这是在您决定需要对IT做一些不同的事情之后出现的问题, and managed services are the solution to your problems. 不管你是选择了供应商还是还在评估你的候选名单, 询问向新服务的过渡将会是什么样子,这将有助于你做好准备. 托管服务提供商(MSP)应该有一个既定的入组流程,它们遵循该流程来让客户开始使用服务. The goal of onboarding is not just to […]

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澳门网赌大全网址科技公司(Bellwether Technology Corporation)入选2022年新奥尔良最佳工作场所榜单

澳门网赌大全网址科技公司(Bellwether Technology Corporation)入选2022年新奥尔良最佳工作场所榜单

(June 26, 2022 – New Orleans, LA) – Managed IT services company, Bellwether Technology Corporation, 连续第四年入选2022年新奥尔良最佳工作场所榜单. 在榜单上的排名是基于员工对调查问题的回答,这些问题涉及他们的工作环境以及雇主如何对待他们. “最佳工作场所”榜单仅限于新奥尔良的70家公司,由《澳门赌场网址大全》(Times-Picayune)和《澳门网赌大全网址》(New Orleans Advocate)发布. You can view the list on http://topworkplaces.该调查由Energage LLC协助进行, a third-party technology partner. Bellwether’s inclusion reflects the company’s […]

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